
Friday, March 11, 2011


I am always up to create a celebration for pretty much any reason- any time, any day.  March is one of my favorite months of the year, if for no other reason than the fact that my birthday celebration usually continues for several weeks (thanks to my insistence) in order the have celebrations with co-workers,  family on one side, family on the other side, friends from here and friends from there.  While my birthday occurred earlier this week, I have had the chance to enjoy feeling loved with a few surprises that arrived in the mail (including the fabulous cards in the above picture), some beautiful flowers that have lasted a while, a fabulous new kitchen item that will encourage me to bake, and with knowing that more celebrations are just around the corner.   As Friday is finally here, even though I am now another year older, I say to the weekend "Bring it on!"

Red velvet cake is not one of my favorites, but this Southern Comfort Red Velvet cake made by my grandma has a tasty kick.  She used a Boozy Baker cookbook recipe, which can be found here.

I am not usually a fan of fresh flowers (for several reasons, mostly because of my allergies), but these were a nice reminder of spring and lovely pop of pink color to enjoy each day.

A birthday surprise that arrived via post.  How great will this scarf be with all the rainy, cold weather to come in the next few weeks?   

The cutest little cookie jar I have seen yet.  This totally makes me want to bake cookies, and will have my kitchen wafting with the aroma of baked goodness.

Whoever designs the birthday cards for Anthropologie has the cutest ideas ever.  I will totally enjoy using this birthday discount, and I want to figure out a great idea for reusing the adorable embroidered Pisces sign case that held the coupon card. 


  1. I don't know how you found my site, Melanie, but thanks for linking your Celebrate post to the Red Velvet Cake recipe on my Bakery Boy Blog. I got that recipe from "The Boozy Baker" cookbook author Lucy Baker (yes, she's a baker named Baker), who was a fun interview. Enjoyed finding your blog too! - Bakery Boy

  2. Thanks Bakery Boy! I Googled the recipe, along with the Boozy Baker cookbook, and your blog was the first item to come up in the search! I am glad to know that our blogs are networked thanks to a baker named Baker.
