
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Spring Organizing

< Mason jars corralled to one corner of the pantry; lids live in a basket with small jars >

Although the weather in my part of the world is still rainy and gray every so often, spring is definitely here on the sunny days. The warm May weather reminds me of good ol' senoiritis from high school days gone by, but has also inspired me to do a little spring cleaning and a lot of organizing. Let me tell you, on busy mornings there is nothing I appreciate more than an organized wardrobe. And opening a drawer that contains neat and tidy contents brings a smile to my face. While I have only had the chance to organize here and there, I feel that I am making good progress overall on my spring overhaul goals.  Tell me, what spring cleaning goals have you accomplished? Leave a comment and let me know!

As a side note, this is my first completely mobile post from the Blogger app on my Android.  The pictures are all from my phone, and everything was typed on my phone.  I apologize for any formatting issues, but I wanted to try out this posting app and see how it works.

< Gloves and mittens were edited, and now nicely line the front of a drawer near the front door >

< Greeting cards are organized by event in a small trunk in my office; a collection of blank card stock and matching envelopes are great to have on hand when I make a homemade card >

< Organized alphabetically, DVDs are neatly stored in a drawer in the entertainment center >

< Jeans are sorted by purpose, then stacked by color on my closet shelf >

< Short-sleeved t's are stowed in a dresser drawer and organized by color for easy access >


  1. This is getting me Motivated!! This weekend I am getting our place organized for the new addition to our family ;) No not a baby or pet but a roommate! I have really liked having a separate closet for my dresses and space for all the decorations Im not using at the moment. Im hearing Craigslist in my future.
    BTW: Blog looks great! Im amazed you can do all that from your phone.

  2. So glad that this helped provide some motivation, Morgan! You go, girl!! Thank you for the compliment, and I am glad to know that you are a 3P Stalker! :-)

  3. Thanks for the organizing inspiration :D
