
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Rackin' up the savings

Don't you just love knowing that its the middle of the middle of the week?  Hooray!  For this midday post, I am happy to share with you some of my favorite discount shopping sites, as well as a great deal going on today only that a good friend was kind enough to share with me.  If you are in need of dresses for upcoming events this summer, or need to improve your supply of warm-weather shoes, these sites all offer clothing with excellent quality at very desirable price points.  Happy browsing!

Leave a comment and let me know if you enjoy these sites, or if you have other favorite deal sites!

< I recently learned about Beyond the Rack, and was super excited to see the brand name products they offer at deeply discounted prices.  You can click here for an invite  to sign up for a free membership and start browsing though the deals! >

< I know they say that a dog is a man's best friend, so is it okay to say that even though women may love dogs too, their best friend might sometimes be a shoe?  Well, I have never loved a shoe more than I have loved my best friend, but because she shared this deal with me today, I may have to love the shoes I score with this sale just about as much as I love her!  Kidding.  Anyway, for a few limited hours today, Steve Madden is offering up to 40% off of select styles.  Check it out and enjoy! >

< One of my favorite stores, and was so excited when they finally started selling through their website!  Now we can all have access to a much larger selection to peruse than just what is in our local store.  Thank you, Nordstrom Rack! >

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