
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Mixing and Matching

Happy middle of the week- what a busy week this has been!  My schedule has been totally packed this week and will continue to be impacted, so posts for this blog will be a little different than usual- but different is fun and good for the soul, right?  Lack of time in front of my camera has left me no time for creating a post on daily outfits, and lack of time behind the camera has me wishing a great camera was not so big and bulky to carry around with me.  However, a splash of any color can always be inspiring, so I am happy to  review some of my favorite outfits I have shared with you in the past.  After sectioning these by color, maybe now would be a good time to head over to Color Me Mine and put color inspiration to good use, no?  Tell me, what outfits have you been inspired to create from the colors or combinations in outfits I have shared with you?

Any of these outfits and more can be seen in an original post by searching for "fashion," "Weekly Wardrobe," "Weekly Wear," or "Daily Dressing" in the search bar on my blog's homepage.  You may also reference these outfits by visiting the following pages: 1234567, and 8


  1. Thanks to you I have put tees bought for navy pants/skirts with TAN - and found it works!

  2. Gram, I loved reading this comment! Send me a picture of your navy/tan outfits pretty pretty please!
