
Monday, December 19, 2011

Wonders from the Weekend

< Christmas tree in some office space >

Happy Monday, all you awesome 3P readers- what a wonderful weekend this was!  As it was the weekend before Christmas, the past few days have been filled with all kinds of Christmas celebrations and preparations.  I thoroughly enjoyed noshing on delicious holiday treats and enjoyed laughing with lots of good friends at a few Christmas parties, finished a few DIY projects that I can't wait to share with you, watched a favorite Christmastime movie (Love Actually) and made some progress on my to-do list for Christmas.  I really could not have asked for a better weekend, so I am entering this week on a very high note- and, at this time of year, there is so much to celebrate and be happy about, right?  So, focus on all of that good stuff and the Monday blues should fly right out the door!

Have a great week!  Good luck with everything you have to get crossed off of your list before next weekend- I know I have quite a long list of things to accomplish!

< Brunch time treat- Christmas themed with red and green, right? >

 < Reindeers dashing on party paper goods! >

< Kissy lips for a 'photo booth' prop >

< Newly organized kitchen cupboard- the start of a drink station! >

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