
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

For One Another

In the spirit of choosing love this week, I want to introduce you to a wonderful foundation that one of my dear friends has created: For One Another Foundation.  The mission of For One Another Foundation is two-fold and simple in the best way possible: to make a positive difference in the lives of others around the world, and to help provide clean water to those in need of that resource.  Last week I had the chance to learn a little bit more about some of the specific projects and trips my friend is planning, and could not be more excited to support her in her awesome efforts.  I also was introduced to the ingenious system for water purification that anyone, anywhere can use (see pictures below), which is one thing my friend, through For One Another, helps provide to those in need. So, Pass It on, Pay It Forward, Help Others, Chose Love: Check out For One Another Foundation!

< A 5-gallon bucket will provide clean water for a family of 5-8, for virtually forever, with the help the Sawyer filter. >

 < A Sawyer filter such as this will provide clean, bacteria-free, filtered water. >

< The smallest effort can make the biggest difference! >

A huge thank you to my friend Carrie, for all of the hard work and effort you tirelessly dedicate to For One Another and all of its successful projects!!

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