
Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day!

To all those who have given so much to serve, protect and keep our nation full of liberty and and justice for all- God bless you and your families and friends. Thank you for what you have all selflessly given to provide freedom for the rest of us. To my husband, my grandpas, my brothers-in-law, and my cousins who have served and are serving in active duty, I am grateful for the dedication you have had toward giving your best to defend the rest of us. May God bless America, and may we always remember those who have gone before us to protect our nation. Fly your flags high today, from sea to shining sea!

1 comment:

  1. Fly your flag everyday; greet every one in uniform with a salute from your heart to their direction.

    We learned this Memorial Day that there are also civilians working for the State Department who are sent to the war zones to give help teaching what is required to maintain freedom - they, too, deserve our respect and prayers.
