
Thursday, July 12, 2012

DIY: jean short cutoffs

To be completely honest, I am not the biggest fan of shorts- I have to be feeling really good about myself, and the weather has to be extremely hot for me to feel confident enough to rock some shorts.  I have seen many bleached-out short and jean ideas this year, but regular ol' jean cutoffs are the only thing I have wanted to try.  If I had had any high-water jeans, I would have totally used them for this project, but I currently love all of my jeans as-is.  Hence, I found a pair of jean shorts that made a great option to DIY into cutoffs.  Below you will find the simple steps I took to complete this DIY, and keep an eye open for outfits I create with these CIY cutoffs!  Also, if you have ever made any short cutoffs, let me know!  Send me some pictures at and I will be happy to share them!

< First, gather your shorts and supplies- a ruler, a pencil, and scissors >

 < Starting with  one leg at a time, use your ruler to pencil in a straight line for you to cut.  Make sure this line is not straight across, but is drawn at a slight angle, so that you end up with a more flattering shape with your end result >

 < Next, start cutting on your pencil line.  I basically ended up cutting along the current hem, as it was at a slight angle and I didn't want to make these shorts much shorter >

 < After you make your cuts, this is what your shorts should look like (Note: if you are wanting to make cuffed shorts, cut your jeans/shorts so that you have an extra 2 inches to roll into a cuff) >

< After you have finished cutting your shorts to your preferred length, wash so that they will fray and actually look more authentic >

< Voilá, a fun, frayed, cutoff kind of jean short, perfect for hot summer days! >

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