
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Socks... Hmm...

With the weather finally cooling off, my dreams of sweaters and scarves are coming true.  It might be time to add the warm winter clothes to the closet!  One trend I have been debating about with myself is this socks with heels idea.  For long-legged luckies, I am sure that this trend will look just fine on you.  For more vertically challenged ladies such as myself, I am up in the air.  I mean, I love me some warm feet- don't get me wrong.  But I will probably be more likely to pair opaque tights with any open-toed shoes now, rather than socks.  Or maybe, just maybe, I will give this whole sock trend a try.  Would you ever pair socks with your high heels?

*All above images via

1 comment:

  1. I have pictures of my sister and I all dressed up with shiny new - white for Easter, black for Christmas - patent leather shoes. . . and anklets (socks) to match our dresses - many moons ago :) I think I would feel like an old lady trying to relive her past if I wore socks with my heels :)
