
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Desire or Acquire

 J.Crew // Gap

A few things that are currently on my fall wish list: a comfy jeweled sweatshirt (to dress up or down), leather leggings (to try my hand at styling these), and a killer red clutch.  Enter, in today's desire or acquire series, 6 fabulous finds and 3 amazing deals for these wish list items.  I will definitely be adding a few of these deals to my fall wardrobe.  Oh, that Stella & Dot clutch is caaaaaaalling my name!  Leave a comment and let me know if there is a specific item you are loving but wanting to find a better deal on, and I will be happy to hunt down that deal for you in an upcoming desire or acquire post!

 Vince // Hue
(+20% off both these pants at Bloomingdale's with code DESIGNER20)

1 comment:

  1. 1. desire. 2. go ahead and acquire at that price, atleast you could experiment 3. acquire- i like the stell & dot one better =)
