
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Nom Nom Nom

As you may have read or heard on the news last week, there was a propane fire in a Sacramento suburb, which was actually within a few miles on my house.  While I never saw any smoke from this fire, and never had to evacuate my home, many people in my city were much more affected by this incident (while others across the country were dealing with earthquakes and hurricanes- what a week!).  Thankfully, there were no deaths, explosions, or other catastrophes as a result of this fuel fire in my locale, and the fire was put out a day before everyone expected in to be over.  Many local firefighters and other emergency personal kindly spent their time doing what they could to protect our community from the fire for which I (as I am sure many of my fellow community members are also) am thoroughly thankful for their dedication and service.  My girlfriends and I thought it might be a nice idea to bake up some cookie treats and deliver them to a local firehouse as a gesture of thanks, so we have a night of baking and board games planned for this weekend.  I have a few cookie favorites- which you can read about here and here- but what shall we bake for this occasion? Decisions, decisions...  So, I turned to the internet for a little inspiration, as you can tell by the photos in this post.  Tell me, have you ever delivered baked goods to a firehouse?  What kind of cookies did you make for all those awesome guys?


  1. You are the queen of chocolate chip cookies! I vote for those! Blog post with the secret recipe??

  2. The cookies looked awesome and the REASON for them was very commendable!

  3. Aww, Val, you are too sweet! But I am the queen of cookie dough instead of actual cookies?? ;-) And maybe, one day, I will be brave enough to share my secret cookie recipe on here if you think everyone will love it!

    Thanks Gram! Yes, this post made me want to enjoy some milk and cookies!
