Thursday, July 25, 2013

New kitchen organization

 < everyday white dishes all lined up for display behind glass front cupboards >

Remember when I so happily shared my beautiful kitchen remodel with you?  I am still loving this brand new room and feel so blessed to have this wonderful new space.  As you faithful 3P readers know, I love me some organization, anytime, anywhere.  This new kitchen is pretty much completely organized, with just a few details to attend to.  I may or may not switch a few of these cupboard and drawer items around for a more useful set up, but in the meantime I am just loving the well organized shelves and drawers within this delightful new cabinetry. 

 < Another glass front cupboard, this one storing all kinds of glassware >
(See how some of this glassware used to be stored)

 < plastic 'tupperware' all stacked up for easy access, and cutting boards within arm's reach >

< glass Pyrex and large Corningware cooking dishes >

< this wonderful 36" drawer holds almost every cooking utensil I need on a day-to-day basis >

 < pots and pans are stored in the drawer above this one; the bottom drawer holds lids, strainers, and my beloved collection of Corningware >

< some shelves in the pantry- glass bowls make for a pretty display, and this lineup of cookbooks makes me think of a bookstore shelf! >

< remember my old drink station? Here is the simple start to the new one >

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