Thursday, July 21, 2011

Best Of

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending this year's Best of the Bay Area event with my best friend.  Pretty cool to attend a "Best of" with your best!  The weather was surprisingly nice, the food was delicious, the atmosphere was enticing, and the music had toes tappin' all night.  I did not get the greatest pictures ever, but taught myself a wonderful lesson and learned that balancing a clutch, a glass, and a plate of food all while trying to take one of the best pictures ever is really not the greatest idea.  Oh well- I did not spill anything in the process of taking any of these photos!  The cucumber and hamachi on the dish pictured above was my absolute favorite bite of the night- I almost turned in to a cucumber with hamachi!  The s'more station was the best idea ever (look below for the pic), and I would totally love sometime to set one of these kinds of s'more bars up at an event at my house!  You can also applaud the fact that this night was the first time ever that I ate a macaroon- aren't you proud?  And of course, the event was followed by a befitting ride home in a San Francisco Cable Car.  Enjoy perusing through these snapshots of that night- I am now tempted to go whip up a bite sized appetizer and dessert!

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