Thursday, April 28, 2011

Yard Crashers

< This shade of purple is one of my favorite to see in an iris >

As many of you fabulous blog readers know, these past few weekends have been spent planting in our backyard ( as mentioned here and here).  Now that April is almost over, my husband and I have successfully accomplished planting everything we planned to get in the ground this month- whew!  Digging in the hard-as-rock clay soil around here is quite a chore, but well worth the effort when you see plants growing, trees sprouting leaves, and flowers blooming in the spring sunshine.  While planting will continue in our backyard in the months and years to come, we are happy with what is planted currently in our back yard, and are glad to be able to finally kick back on the patio and enjoy the young plants that are growing now as fruits of our labor.  When we get a garden area staked out and planted this fall, we will be happy to literally enjoy the fruits of our labor!  For now, I am hoping that everything that is planted in our yard continues to grow- and am very thankful for hardy perennials!  And when the warm summer nights arrive this year... bring on the backyard barbecues!

< Blue star creeper planted between the rocks of a stepping-stone pathway >

< My modified version of a perennial planting plan I read about and loved >

< A fabulous trellis- now the trumpet vine just needs to grow! >

< Little leaves appearing on the branches of the tulip tree >

< The same perennials from my favorite planting plan, repeated again in the yard >

< Tigger enjoying the backyard beautification efforts >

< A little orchard area- apricots, lemons, pluots, and oranges will one day grow here >

< Ta-da!  Baby steps, but everything is coming together! >

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